Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Colorado Ski Trip

We had lots of fun on our ski trip with Arthur's family in Colorado. This year we met in Breckenridge, CO. The snow was great for skiing but it was pretty chilly a few mornings. The kids got to try out the sled and play in the snow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Zoo

Since the zoo is free on Presidents Day and Arthur is off work we took a family trip to the Houston zoo. It was Jack's first time to try the carousel. He gave it two thumbs up!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

On Valentines morning Jack got to open V-day cards from everyone and try out a sucker. His cards had stickers in them and Jack thought they were fun to tear up. Also, he was really kind and decided to share a little sucker with the Sponge Bob balloon that dad got him for Valentines Day.

Jack's friend, Rhett, hosted a Valentines party this evening. Jack had a lot of fun and got to play with lots of his friends. There were juice boxes, pizza, and heart shaped cookies! Jack even got some really special Valentines cards and treats from his friends. He was definitely into his purple heart-shaped sunglasses. Everytime we put them on his face he would smile super big.

Could a guy get a diaper change?!!!?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Book Babies

Jack and some friends from his playgroup met at the library for Book Babies. Arthur got to come with us too. Jack spent most of the program standing in the middle of the room. He is way to "big" to have mom or dad hold him while we sing songs at Book Babies. Have we already started to embarrass him!?!?!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Exploring in the Dark

Jack tried out his new bug lantern last night in the backyard. He had a pretty good time exploring in the darkness. He loves to be outside these days.... day or night!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Corben's Fiesta

Corben Hartnett invited Jack to his first birthday party this weekend. Corben's birthday had a mexican fiesta theme and was tons of fun with super great food. When we arrived there were photo opportunities for the kids with sombreros and sticker mustaches. Jack vetoed the sticker mustache but we managed to capture a picture with the hat. Jack's friend, Luke, was willing to don both the mustache and hat. It was really funny. The party was a lot of fun for everyone.

Goat Poking Zoo

At the Houston zoo there is a little petting zoo section for the kids. Jack had a pretty good time petting the goats. Actually, it was more like poking the goats.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Grandma Gone Wild!

Grandma Brenda was in town this week visiting from Oklahoma. She got to go with me and Jack to Wild Wheels at the zoo. We learned all about animals that start with the letter T. Also, Jack and I showed Grandma Brenda Herman park and we got to feed ducks. Jack seemed to like feeding the ducks until I let him hold the bread and the ducks started eating out of his hand. I think that was a little too close for comfort and he started crying. We went back to just throwing the bread and watching the ducks eat. Much better...