Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bedtime Books

Arthur and Jack have the bedtime ritual down to a science. First Arthur gives Jack his bath. After getting soaped up Jack plays with all his bath floaty toys and foam letters. He even has a mini basketball hoop in the tub and some cool bath books. After bath/playtime Jack gets diapered, lotioned, and into pajamas plus sleep sack. Lastly, Arthur and Jack read books and then it is night night. Here are a few pictures from tonight's bedtime book reading.

Lap top learning

One of the moms in our playgroup suggested a Fisher Price interactive website that teaches the kids ABC's:
Jack loves the site and we play online a little almost everyday now. The Fisher Price ABC zoo has an animal for each letter and when the animal appears on the computer screen it makes the animal's sound too. Jack loves the B for bear and growls like the bear every time. He also thinks the A for alligator is cool because the alligator goes "chomp, chomp, chomp".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where's the remote control?

Arthur and I have been looking for the remote control to our television for 3 days. In some sort of devious plot to make us crazy Jack hid the remote in a very secret location. Arthur and I tried and tried to find it. We looked in all of Jack's sweet hiding spots.... trash cans, under the couch, behind curtains, backyard bushes, under crib. No luck til today. I was watching cartoons with Jack and noticed something peeking out of his Fisher Price farm silo. You may notice something grey with lots of buttons in the silo on the first picture above!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Live Stock Show

We went to the Live Stock show at the Houston Rodeo. Jack got to pet a huge Brahma cow. The cows owner explained that the hump on the Brahma's back is a big muscle! Jack also got to pet a cute donkey and a few goats. Afterward we took Jack to the Fun on the Farm kid section at the Live Stock show. He got to pretend plant seeds, feed chickens, and harvest some fruits and veggies. For all of Jack's hard work the farm paid Jack and he got to buy something from the general store. Jack picked cereal and ate it while we waited on the metro rail to pick us up. I think riding on the light rail might have been one of Jack's favorite parts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busted Lip

Jack got his first busted lip today. He was playing outside with his dad and scooted out of the lawn chair but forget to put his feet down. He landed on our patio face first. Arthur said he landed on his knees and face at the same time so we think his knees helped cushion the blow a little. We felt so bad for little Jack. We gave him a popsicle thinking the cold might help keep some of the swelling down. Jack perked right up after he got the popsicle. It made the boo boo all better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saturn V Rocket

We took Jack to see NASA's restored Saturn V Rocket at the Johnson Space Center. It's the big one that took a few guys to the moon! In fact, thirteen Saturn V rockets were launched between 1967 and 1973. Nine of those boosters took astronauts to the Moon; six of them to a landing on the lunar surface. The last Saturn V to leave Earth lofted the United States' first space station, Skylab.

Happpppy St. Patty's Day

For my birthday Jack and Arthur took me to a great Mediterranean restaurant in near the Johnson Space Center. Arthur is working night with the recently shuttle flight and so he got to eat with us before heading off to work. Jack wanted to show off how much of a big boy he is with the new spoon skills he has recently developed. It is a good thing that the restaurant gives large portions even for kids meals because only about half of the spaghetti dinner reached Jack's mouth. It was fun and my lamb kabobs were perfect!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting "into" his toys!

In the last week or so Jack has decided it is really fun to get inside his toy bin to play. It looks so funny. He'll set in the toy bin for 5 or 10 minutes playing with blocks, little books, or whatever he grabs. Crazy kid!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Hat

We got Jack a new hat at our last trip to the Houston zoo. Jack thinks his new hat is quite hilarious!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cookie Monster

I made chocolate chip cookies this evening and Jack got to have one hot out of the oven after dinner. I forgot how gooey the warm chocolate chips are but as you can see in the picture Jack enjoyed smearing them across his face!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Boy

Jack was such a smiley boy this morning. Here he is after getting dressed for the day. He is wearing a new shirt that his grandma sent from Oklahoma.

Testing out the new sandals

Jack got a care package from Grandma Brenda and Grandpa George. In it there were new books, summer clothes, pjs, and some cool summer sandals. Jack was really upset the first time I put the sandals on him but as soon as he walked around in them a bit..... he was hooked. Here are a few pictures of him giving them a good test run yesterday.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Playing Outside

The weather has been so nice lately that we play outside in the backyard a lot. Jack likes to carry around sticks, play with his brooms, and pick at the weeds. Also, Jack has become really interested in the sand in his "sand box" (horse shoe pit). He likes to take handfuls of it and dump it onto the grass. He has even sampled several handfuls and thinks it is delicious! yuck....