Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pearland Arts League

Arthur and I missed the Pearland Art's League's juried show because of my knee surgery. However, the paintings are being displayed until mid December at the Natatorium. We got to check them out and see Best of show as well as the painting that beat me out for Honorable Mention.
Best of Show is pictured below:
The abstract painting that beat "Chick Little" out for Honorable Mention:
I have to keep reminding myself that this is not a sporting event and I am not competing against these artists....However, if my knee was intact I bet I could beat that Honorable Mention nominee at a foot race. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Betz Gallery art work entries

These are the two paintings I submitted for the 12 x 12 show at the Bezt Gallery in Montrose. They were both accepted and I cannot wait for the showing this Saturday. Who knew that other people would love "Mashy" the hampster as much as I do.
The title of the painting below is "Manners".

Reconstructed knee ligament here we come!

Surgery day finally arrived. Arthur took me to Texas Orthopedic Hospital for my ACL reconstructive surgery. I was very ready to get my knew ligament and start the recovery process.
These snowman slippers are critical for optimum recovery.

Halloween 2011