Thursday, September 29, 2011

8 months

Ann turns 8 months old next week!! She is such a sweet little girl. Although she is a great eater she prefers non-baby food. She loves chunks of avocado, cottage cheese, graham crackers, and just about any fruit I cut up for her (including kiwi!). She started to wave back to us when we say "hi" and wave. Like most kids Ann waves backwards at herself when she tries though. Its adorable. She hasn't started crawling but sits up like a pro and can roll around on the floor if she needs to travel. Her favorite toys include the rainforest jumper, stuffed animal bunny, and anything she can chew on.

Jack and his ever expanding palette

Jack is a rather picky eater. However, lately his palette has been expanding. He is starting to enjoy new foods that were totally "yucky" to him in the past. He even ate my pad thai dish for dinner the other night!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Itty Bitty bowling

Jack and his buddies liked the bowling locker area just as much as the actual game. Jack and I were pretty stoked that we worked together to break 100 though.

Big bow

Testing a big bow in Ann's hair. I think I like the little ones better...

Brushing her tooth!

Ann loves to brush her tooth. She has her very own purple ABC toothbrush and pink baby dino toothbrush holder next to big brother's on the mirror.

What can I say...?

Jack said the sun was hurting his eyes on our walk yesterday. He felt much better after borrowing my sunglasses.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wiggles and Giggles class

Jack and Ann started this session of Wiggles and Giggles today. Jack had fun running rampant all over the play area, dodging smaller toddlers and babies like land mines. Ann entertained herself with blocks and balls. She seemed to think they tasted very delicious. Maybe I should feed her BEFORE class next time.
Jack-bear coming out of the tunnel where he had been "hibernating"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Her latest trick...

What can make eating in your high chair more fun.... back bends!

Trick-o-treating bags

Grammie Jane sent bags for Jack and Ann that she embroidered with fun Halloween designs. Hope they are big enough for our bounty of candy on this year's treating trek!!

Are you ready for some football?!?!?

We are!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Finger foods for Ann

Ann already seems like quite the adventuresome eater. She is willing to try just about anything and loves when I let her test out new finger foods. So far she likes toast, Mum Mums, puffs, bananas and basically anything that gets near her mouth.

Big girl pajamas

Indeed she is "toadily" cute in these pjs.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Adair park

We LOVE, LOVE this weather! I never miss the humidity.
Rock collecting.... or should I say pebble collecting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011