Finally all of these wonderful storm clouds full of rain rolled into Pearland. We desperately need rain. Jack even had a happy rain dance. However, we didn't get a single drop of water out of those clouds!! AUGH!! They were just all show.
Luke got to come over and play while his mom visited the doctor. Jack was excited to show Luke around his room and share his prized collection of books. A little later another friend, Carli, came over too. The kids played with Jack's toys, chased each other around the house, ate cookies, and watched some pretty cool cartoons. Jack was really worn out when nap time hit. He finally just laid his head on the floor to signal it was night-night time.
We left early this morning for a trip to Surfside beach. Our friends, the Kilgores, came too. Jack and Carli had fun digging in the sand, throwing sea shells and surfing the waves on our boogie boards. The grown ups took a few turns on the boogie boards too. The waves were awesome and the water was ice cold which felt great since it was so hot.
We had the Scovilles over for a homemade Thai dinner last night. The menu included edamame dip, ginger chicken, and basil beef with jasmine rice. Our favorite was the ginger chicken. The Thai was a little too spicy for Jack and Zerach so they dined on cheese ravioli, hot dog, and grapes. Zerach decided to top off his dinner by sneaking a big gulp of my lambic beer! What a party!!
After dinner Jack and Zerach got to take their "baths" in Jack's inflatable pool in the back yard. Once bath time was over and the boys were down for the night it was game time. We broke out the dominoes and it quickly became very apparent that the Scovilles have been honing their Trash Train skills. Even with the Trash Train defeat it was a very fun night!
Chicken with Ginger (Gai phad king)
1 cup tree ear mushrooms
1/4 cup veg. oil
6 cloves garlic
1 small onion, thinly sliced
12 oz skinless, boneless chicken
1 cup julienned fresh ginger
1T fish sauce
3T oyster sauce
2T soy sauce
3 fresh long red chilies, cut into rings
1/2 cup chicken broth
8 scallions, white part only
Soak dried mushrooms for 10 min in hot water, drain and then trim any rough areas. Heat oil in wok over high heat. Add garlic and cook til just starts to turn brown. Add Chicken and onion and stir-fry til meat is opaque on all sides (3 min). Add ginger, mushrooms, sauces, and stir-fry for 1 min. Add chilies and broth and bring to boil for 1 min. Stir in scallions and serve over rice.
We met some friends from our playgroup at the Pearland Bass Pro Shop to looks around at all the stuffed animals and big fish tanks. The store is not exactly designed as a kid play area but there are lots of cool things to see, climb on, and ride in (elevator with glass doors). Plus, its air conditioned!!
Jack was a little uneasy around the large fish tank. I tried to show him all the big bass like Grandpa George catches but he was not impressed. He liked the big stuffed bear, chasing Carli around trying to give her kisses, and chugging mom's sweet tea left in the stroller.
Uncle George (or Uncle Awesome as he keeps telling Jack) came for a visit this weekend from College Station. Jack thought he was pretty "awesome" since George made chocolate chip cookies which are Jack's favorite. Jack's trick is to ask us for a cookie while shaking his own head yes. Its like he's trying to hypnotize us into giving him endless cookies. So far we haven't fallen under his cookie-zombie spell! Uncle Awesome also helped us make some homemade pizzas for dinner. They turned out pretty tasty. It was a fun visit and full of yummy food!